QRZ! Ham Radio 1
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - December 1993.iso
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70 lines
Subject: The Electronic Repeater Mapping Project
The server will only recognize one repeater per mail message. If you want
to submit multiple repeaters, you will have to submit multiple mail messages.
A daemon will auto-reply when your message has been processed. If your message
has some sort of evil error in it (i.e., one of the required lines is missing
or undetectable) it will send you a message with the error and a copy of this
The information format I want:
Each line starts with # and then 4 upper-case letters (hopefully mnemonic)
describing the info on that line. The rest of the line is (more or less)
free form.
The *required* lines:
#CALL (the callsign of the repeater)
#OUTP (the output frequency of the repeater)
#INPT (the input frequency of the repeater, or just + or - for standard offs)
#LOCA (the longitude, lattitude, and HAAT of the repeater)
#SEND (the e-mail address of the sender)
#UPDT (the date & time of last update)
The other useful lines:
#TONE (the CTCSS input tone, followed by '/' and output tone, if there is one)
#COVG (the primary coverage area)
#911C (the 911/emerg autodial code, IF THE REPEATER OWNER OKs GIVING IT OUT)
#AUTO (autopatch facilities available?)
#CLSD (if this repeater is closed, who can use it)
You only need to put a #CLSD line in for closed repeaters.
#AFFL (affiliation i.e., RACES ARES etc)
#SPON (sponsor of the repeater)
#CONT (how to contact the sponsor, name/addr/phone #)
#LINK (links to repeater, callsigns and frequencies, or something like CONDOR
for large nets)
#COMM (a comment, as many #COMM lines as you like)
For example (this repeater does not exist):
#CALL KZ6QRM Mobile Uncoordinated Repeater (my car)
#OUTP 440.15
#INPT 222.22
#LOCA 122 01 09 W / 37 18 30 N / -2m
#SEND steve@wattres.sj.ca.us (Steve Watt)
#UPDT Thu Apr 02 00:39:58 PST 1992
#TONE 100.0 / 131.8
#COVG My house, special events
#AUTO It's a car without a cellphone. No autopatch.
#CLSD Only availble to people with the callsign KD6GGD. ;)
#SPON KD6GGD and his performing Corolla All-Trac
#CONT E-mail is the only way. steve@wattres.sj.ca.us
#LINK Only to my HT
#COMM I hope you're at least scanning this message. Send the registrations
#COMM (for active repeaters only, please) to "repeaters@wattres.sj.ca.us".
#COMM It's an ICOM 901A with a 220 band unit. It also spends most of its time
#COMM off, when I'm not in the car. It is not in repeater mode when I am in
#COMM the car. So it's not a terribly useful repeater, unless I say so. :)
If you are having difficulty finding the lattitude and longitude for the
repeater, try the Geographic Name Server at UMichigan.
telnet martini.eecs.umich.edu 3000
I haven't tried this service, so I can't vouch for its accuracy.
Once again: The address is repeaters@wattres.sj.ca.us. Don't send messages
there that you expect somebody to read. Send those to me.
CODE! If you include other codes in your message, make sure that it's
OK to give those out, also. Som repeater sponsors object to having the
codes freely circulated, and others charge money for them.